How to Teach The Place Command to a German Shepherd


To teach a German Shepherd the ‘Place’ command, start by selecting a specific spot, like a mat or bed, as the designated ‘place.’

Lead your dog to the spot, use the command ‘Place,’ and encourage them to sit or lie down there. Reward them with treats and praise as soon as they obey the command.

Your German Shepherd will learn to go to their ‘place’ upon command with consistent practice and positive reinforcement.

The Basics of the ‘Place’ Command

The ‘Place’ command is a fundamental obedience cue in dog training beneficial for German Shepherds. It instructs the dog to go to a specific location and remain there calmly, sitting or lying down.

This command is beneficial for managing your dog’s behavior and creating a sense of security and discipline. It can be used in various scenarios, such as when visitors arrive, during meal times, or when you need your dog to stay out of the way.

Choosing the Right ‘Place’

Selecting the appropriate ‘place’ is crucial for the success of this command. It could be a designated mat, a dog bed, or a specific area in your home.

The chosen ‘place’ should be comfortable and distinct enough for your dog to recognize it as their special spot.

Choosing a location that’s not too isolated is important, allowing your dog to feel part of the family while maintaining boundaries. This spot will become their haven and a space where they know they should settle down and relax.

Step-by-Step Guide to Teaching the ‘Place’ Command

Teaching your German Shepherd the ‘Place’ command is a rewarding process that enhances both discipline and comfort for your dog.

Here’s a detailed guide to help you through each step effectively.

Introducing Your Dog to the ‘Place’

Start by familiarizing your dog with the chosen ‘place.’ Lead them to it on a leash and encourage them to explore the spot.

You can place their favorite toy or a treat on the mat or bed to create a positive association. Initially, let them stay there for short periods, gradually increasing the time.

Using Verbal Cues and Gestures

Once your dog is familiar with the spot, introduce the verbal cue ‘Place.’ Point to the spot as you say the command.

Consistency in your vocal cues and gestures is key. Ensure you always use the same word and hand signal to avoid confusing your dog.

Reinforcing the Command with Rewards and Praise

When your dog obeys the command, immediately reward them with treats and praise. This positive reinforcement helps them understand that following commands leads to good things.

Be patient and repeat the process, reducing the number of treats and replacing them with verbal praise and petting.

Overcoming Common Challenges

One common challenge is the dog leaving the ‘place’ too soon. If this happens, calmly lead them back without scolding them. Consistency and patience are crucial.

If your dog seems disinterested, try different rewards or train when they’re more receptive, like before meals. Remember, each dog learns at their own pace, so adjust your expectations accordingly and celebrate small victories.

Advanced Training Tips for the ‘Place’ Command

After your German Shepherd has mastered the basics of the ‘Place’ command, it’s time to elevate their training to ensure they respond reliably under various conditions.

Increasing Duration and Managing Distractions

Start by gradually increasing your dog’s duration in their ‘place.’ Begin with a few minutes and slowly extend to longer periods. It’s also important to introduce distractions in a controlled manner.

Practice the command with normal household activity, then progress to more challenging distractions like visitors or loud noises. The goal is for your dog to maintain their position despite these distractions.

Integrating the Command into Daily Routines

Make the ‘Place’ command a part of your everyday routine. Use it during meals, answering the door, or while busy with household chores.

This integration helps your German Shepherd understand that ‘Place’ is a normal part of their day-to-day activities, not just a training exercise.

Transitioning to Verbal Praise and Affection

As your dog becomes more proficient, reduce the reliance on treats. Gradually replace treats with verbal praise, petting, and affection as rewards.

This transition ensures that your dog complies with the command out of respect and understanding, not just for food. This step is crucial for long-term obedience and forms a deeper bond between you and your dog.

Importance of Patience and Consistency in Training

Training your German Shepherd in the ‘Place’ command, or any command, requires more than just techniques; it demands patience and consistency from you as a trainer.

Let’s explore why these elements are so crucial.

The Role of Patience and Consistency

In dog training, patience and consistency are key to successful outcomes. Consistent use of the same commands, gestures, and rewards helps your dog understand and remember what’s expected. Regular practice reinforces this learning.

Respecting Your Dog’s Learning Pace

Each dog has its learning speed, so respecting this is important. Some dogs might quickly pick up the ‘Place’ command, while others need more time.

Showing patience during training sessions enhances the learning experience and strengthens your bond.

Remember, the goal of training is not just obedience but also building a strong relationship with your dog.

Additional Resources for German Shepherd Training

Expanding your knowledge and skills in training your German Shepherd can be greatly enhanced by exploring additional resources.

Here are some suggestions for further reading and where to seek professional guidance.

Enhancing Your Training Journey

Consider diving into further reading materials for a deeper understanding and more advanced techniques in training your German Shepherd.

Books, online courses, and articles focused on canine behavior can offer new perspectives and methods for effective training.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Professional trainers can provide valuable support if facing particular challenges or aiming to elevate your dog’s training.

They can address specific behavioral nuances and help tailor your training approach, ensuring your German Shepherd achieves the best outcomes in obedience and discipline.

Commanding Success

How to teach a German Shepherd the ‘Place’ command, from choosing the right spot and introducing the command to reinforcing it with rewards and overcoming training challenges.

We’ve emphasized the importance of patience and consistency in training, provided advanced tips for integrating the command into daily routines, and highlighted the need to respect the dog’s learning pace.

Additionally, we’ve offered resources for further training and the option of professional assistance, all aimed at fostering a disciplined and well-trained German Shepherd.