Are German Shepherds Stubborn?

Are-German-Shepherds- Stubborn

German Shepherds are sometimes stubborn, but this is not their main trait. Their stubbornness usually comes from their smart and independent nature.

Periods of Stubbornness

German Shepherds can undergo brief phases of stubbornness, managed with proper training.

Consistent guidance and positive reinforcement techniques are crucial in training a German Shepherd who shows signs of stubborn behavior.

It’s important to note that this stubbornness is usually a temporary phase rather than a permanent trait.

Intelligence and Independence

As one of the most intelligent dog breeds, German Shepherds’ stubborn behavior is often linked to their strong-minded and independent nature.

Their high intelligence means they are quick learners, which can also lead them to test boundaries and challenge authority. Understanding their independent streak is critical to managing their stubborn tendencies.

Training should focus on establishing clear and consistent rules and positive reinforcement to encourage compliance.

Obedience vs. Stubbornness

Despite occasional stubborn behavior, German Shepherds are generally recognized for their obedience. This breed is known for its loyalty and willingness to please, often overshadowing stubborn tendencies.

When a German Shepherd senses a lack of authority or faces inconsistency in training, they might exhibit stubborn behavior. This can be surprising for owners, especially given their usual obedience.

Addressing this requires patience and a firm, consistent training approach that reinforces the owner’s role as the leader.

Not Stubborn

It’s important to understand that German Shepherds are not stubborn. While some individual dogs may display stubborn streaks, this is not a breed-wide trait.

The dog’s age, boredom, or negative environmental experiences can contribute to these behaviors.

The teenage years are a standard time for stubborn behavior to emerge, as is the case when the dog is not stimulated mentally and. Recognizing and addressing these factors can help mitigate stubborn behavior.

Training Tips for Managing Stubbornness in German Shepherds

Managing a German Shepherd’s occasional stubborn streak involves practical and thoughtful training strategies. Here are some expanded tips to guide you:

  1. Start Training Early: Begin training your German Shepherd while they are still a puppy. This early start helps in setting a foundation for good behavior and obedience. It’s much easier to teach good habits and prevent stubborn behavior from developing when they are young and more receptive to learning.
  1. Consistency is Key: Always be consistent in your commands and what you expect from your dog. If you’re inconsistent, your German Shepherd might get confused. This confusion can often lead to stubborn behavior because the dog is unsure what is expected of them. Consistency in training and rules helps them understand and follow your guidance better.
  1. Use Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in dog training. Whenever your German Shepherd obeys a command or behaves well, reward them. This can be with treats, praise, or some playtime. Such rewards motivate them to listen and follow because they associate good behavior with positive outcomes.
  1. Firm but Fair Leadership: It’s crucial to establish yourself as a leader in a firm but fair way. Being intelligent and somewhat independent, German Shepherds respond well to strong leadership. They need to see you as the one in charge, but this should be done with kindness and fairness, not harshness or cruelty.
  1. Address Boredom: Boredom can often lead to stubborn or unwanted behavior. Ensure your German Shepherd gets plenty of exercise and has enough activities to stimulate their mind. This can include physical activities like walking and playing and mental challenges like puzzle toys or training games. A well-exercised and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to exhibit stubborn behavior.
  1. Patience and Persistence: Training a German Shepherd, especially if they show stubborn traits, demands a lot of patience and persistence. Don’t expect immediate results, and don’t give up if progress seems slow. It’s essential to keep at it, as consistent training over time will yield better obedience and less stubborn behavior.

Remember, each German Shepherd is unique, and what works for one dog may not work for another. It’s essential to understand your dog’s personality and needs and adjust your training approach.

You can manage your German Shepherd’s stubborn tendencies with the right strategies and mindset.

Understanding the German Shepherd’s Temperament

Understanding the German Shepherd’s temperament is crucial in addressing their stubborn streak. They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and protective instincts.

Recognizing that stubborn behavior might be a sign of intelligence or a response to their environment can help manage it.


In conclusion, while German Shepherds can display stubborn behavior, it is not an inherent trait of the breed. Understanding their intelligent and independent nature and consistent and positive training can help manage and prevent stubborn behavior.

With the proper training, German Shepherds can become loyal and obedient companions, showcasing their best breed characteristics.