Do German Shepherd Drool

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Do German Shepherd Drool Yes, German Shepherds can drool, but they are not known for excessive drooling like other breeds.  Drooling can occur in German Shepherds for various reasons, such as excitement, anticipation of food, or health issues like mouth infections, tartar buildup, or foreign objects in the mouth. Excessive drooling can also be a […]

Do German Shepherds Turn On Their Owners


Do German Shepherds Turn On Their Owners German Shepherds are known for their loyalty and protection, but there is a common misconception that they may turn on or attack their owners. A well-behaved German Shepherd is unlikely to bite or turn on its owner. There are certain situations where a German Shepherd might attack its […]

Why Does My German Shepherd Lay Down To Eat


Why Does My German Shepherd Lay Down To Eat German Shepherds sometimes eat while lying down, which can happen for several reasons. It might be an instinct, similar to how they would hold prey when eating in the wild. They could also be tired, feeling lazy, getting older, or experiencing health problems like joint pain, […]

How High Can German Shepherds Jump


How High Can German Shepherds Jump German Shepherds can jump between 4 and 6 feet in height, with some reaching even greater heights with a long run-up. The jumping ability of German Shepherds is influenced by factors such as their physical condition, age, athleticism, genes, training, and motivation. While there is no official world record […]

Can A German Shepherd Kill A Wolf?


Can A German Shepherd Kill A Wolf? A German Shepherd is generally not capable of killing a wolf. Wolves are much stronger than German Shepherds, with a bite force ranging from 400 psi to 1,200 psi, and they are very territorial and prone to attack if they find other animals encroaching on their territory. While […]

Will A German Shepherd Kill A Cat

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Will A German Shepherd Kill A Cat Yes, a German Shepherd can kill a cat due to its size and prey drive, which is the instinctive urge to chase, capture, and prey upon small animals. Not every German Shepherd will act on these instincts, but their background as herding dogs might trigger aggressive behavior towards […]

Why Is My German Shepherd So Small

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Why Is My German Shepherd So Small There are a few reasons why your German Shepherd may be smaller than average. Genetics play a significant role, as they may have inherited traits from smaller ancestors. Factors such as diet, health, and the level of physical activity can also influence their growth and size. It’s also […]

How Far Can German Shepherds Hear


How Far Can German Shepherds Hear German Shepherds can hear sounds from great distances, often up to 100 yards(0.5 miles) or more. Thanks to their large, upright ears, which can rotate independently, they can pinpoint the source of noises with remarkable precision. This advanced hearing capability is crucial for their roles in police work, search […]

Do German Shepherds Have High Prey Drive


Do German Shepherds Have High Prey Drive Yes, German Shepherds have a high prey drive, an instinctive desire to stalk, capture, and prey upon potential food sources. This behavior is partly due to their wolf ancestry and has been reinforced through selective breeding. A strong prey drive can be seen in various aspects of their […]

What Colors Can German Shepherds See


What Colors Can German Shepherds See German Shepherds are known to have dichromatic vision, meaning they see in shades of blue and yellow. This is due to the number and type of cones in their eyes, which are sensitive to these colors. While they may not see the same range of colors as humans, their […]

Will A German Shepherd Protect You Without Training?


Will A German Shepherd Protect You Without Training? German Shepherds are known to protect their owners even without formal training. Their natural loyalty and protective instincts drive this behavior. Without training, they might show too much aggression or act when they think they need to protect. Protective Instincts of German Shepherds These dogs have strong […]

Do German Shepherds Need Blankets


Do German Shepherds Need Blankets Yes, German Shepherds can enjoy having blankets, especially in cold weather.  Their double coats provide some insulation against the cold, but a blanket can provide warmth and comfort. It’s essential not to overheat your German Shepherd with a blanket that is too heavy or warm. Whether a blanket is necessary […]