German Shepherd Shedding Season


German Shepherds shed all year and are often called “German Shedders” because of this. They have a double coat with a top layer and a bottom layer. They shed to keep their body temperature and stay safe from weather changes.

They lose a lot of their undercoat during two main times each year, which can take more than 10 days. This happens a lot in the fall and spring. Brushing them well during these times with a special tool called an undercoat rake is important. Even though they always shed, caring for their coat can make less hair fall out.

Managing German Shepherd Shedding

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and, unfortunately, their shedding. They have a dense double coat that sheds year-round and even more so during spring and fall shedding seasons. You can manage the shedding and keep your home hair-free with proper care and routine. Here’s how:

Regular Grooming

Brush Regularly

Brush your German Shepherd thrice weekly with a suitable brush like a slicker or undercoat rake. This will help remove loose hairs and prevent them from spreading around your home.

Use De-shedding Tools

Use de-shedding tools like a Furminator to remove excess undercoat during peak shedding seasons. Be gentle to avoid irritating your dog’s skin.

Bathe Your Dog

Bathe your German Shepherd every 4-6 weeks to help loosen and remove dead hair. Use a dog-specific shampoo to keep their coat healthy and reduce shedding.

Healthy Diet

Feed High-Quality Food

Ensure your German Shepherd’s diet is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain a healthy, shiny coat and can reduce shedding.


After consulting with your veterinarian, consider adding supplements like fish oil to your dog’s diet.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise helps maintain overall health, leading to a healthier coat and less shedding.

Home Care

Use Furniture Covers

Protect your furniture with covers or blankets that can be easily washed.

Vacuum Regularly

Vacuum your home several times weekly to collect hair from floors, furniture, and other surfaces.

Maintain a Clean Environment

Regularly wash your dog’s bedding, blankets, and any fabric they frequently lie on to remove hair and dander.

German Shepherd Shedding: Comparing Breeds

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty and intelligence, and unfortunately for those house-proud owners, their shedding.

Some German Shepherd breeds shed less than others. Understanding which breeds shed less can help you select a pet that aligns with your household needs and grooming preferences.

Short-Haired German Shepherds

Short-haired German Shepherds, also known as smooth-coat German Shepherds, have a single layer of fur, unlike their long-haired counterparts. This single layer means they have no undercoat to shed, leading to less shedding than long-haired varieties. They will still shed somewhat, especially during the spring and fall shedding seasons.

Long-Haired German Shepherds

Long-haired German Shepherds have a distinct top coat and an undercoat. The presence of this undercoat means they shed more than their short-haired relatives. They require regular grooming to manage the shedding, especially during their heavy shedding seasons in spring and fall.

Plush-Coated German Shepherds

Plush-coated German Shepherds fall somewhere between the short-haired and long-haired varieties regarding shedding. They have a thicker coat than the short-haired but don’t have as much undercoat as the long-haired. They shed compared to the other two types.


Throughout the year, German Shepherds live up to their nickname “German Shedders” due to their consistent shedding due to their protective double coat. This natural process allows them to adapt to seasonal temperature changes, ensuring comfort and health.

Shedding intensifies during spring and fall as German Shepherds prepare for the coming heat or cold, making regular grooming with tools like undercoat rakes crucial during these peak periods. While shedding is a constant for German Shepherd owners, consistent and proper coat care can reduce its impact.

Tailored Grooming: A Key to Shedding Management

Managing a German Shepherd’s notorious shedding requires a committed grooming regimen and lifestyle adjustments. Regular brushing, using the right tools, and maintaining a schedule can minimize loose hair and maintain the dog’s coat health. A high-quality diet and supplements can further support coat health and reduce shedding.

Moreover, adapting the home environment with washable covers and frequent vacuuming can help manage the inevitable hair. Understanding and accepting the shedding can enhance the bond between the dog and its owner, making grooming a shared experience rather than a chore.

Breed-Specific Shedding Insights

While all German Shepherds shed, the amount can vary between different types. Short-haired varieties tend to shed less than their long-haired and plush-coated counterparts, though no type is completely free from shedding.

Choosing the right breed based on shedding levels can affect grooming requirements and household hair accumulation. Regardless of the type, all German Shepherds will benefit from regular grooming and a healthy lifestyle, which helps manage shedding and maintain a clean, happy home.