How Many Hours Do German Shepherds Sleep?


On average, German Shepherds sleep 12-14 hours daily, though puppies and seniors will rest longer.

Daily sleep needs vary based on individual dogs’ age, health status, temperament, and activity level.

One sign of a healthy, happy German Shepherd is getting adequate sleep. As an energetic, working breed, they expend plenty of mental and physical energy daily.

Rest allows their bodies to recharge, repair tissues, consolidate memories, and regulate appetite and mood. But how much sleep do German Shepherds need?

On average, most healthy adult German Shepherds sleep between 12-14 hours daily.

Many factors influence sleep requirements across life stages. Understanding standard sleep patterns helps owners ensure their loyal companion gets sufficient rest.

How Many Hours Do German Shepherds Sleep?

Age Group Sleep Duration Key Characteristics
Puppy Sleep Needs
Newborns (0-2 weeks) Up to 20 hours daily Sleep almost 90% of the time
2-4 weeks 18-20 hours daily Become more alert and playful
1-3 months Around 18 hours Continue needing significant sleep
3-6 months 15-16 hours More wakeful activity due to socialization and training
6-12 months 12-14 hours Less overnight rest is required
Adolescent and Adult Sleep
12-18 months 12-14 hours Sleep like adults but with sporadic napping
1-6 years 12-14 hours A stable sleep pattern is established
7 years+ Around 14 hours Increased sleep due to lower activity and metabolism
Normal Sleep Patterns
Night sleep Majority at night 75% in REM and deep sleep stages
Napping behavior 30-60 minute naps Interspersed throughout the day
Sleep Cycle 45 minutes average Cycles repeat every 7-17 minutes
Lifestyle Factors
Activity Level Varies More active dogs need more sleep
Health Status Varies Illness or pain increases sleep needs
Temperament Varies Anxious dogs may need more sleep
Signs of Sleep Deprivation
Various Symptoms Drowsiness, hyperactivity, anxiety, etc.
Optimizing Rest
Sleep Hygiene Consistent schedule, comfortable environment
Sleep Patterns Variation
Individual Differences Deviations from the average are normal.

This table summarizes German Shepherds’ different sleep needs and patterns at various life stages, along with factors affecting their sleep and tips for optimizing it.

Puppy Sleep Needs

Energetic German Shepherd puppies grow fast during the first 12-18 months of life.

Rapid mental and physical development requires plenty of sleep to fuel the body. Puppies spend more time napping than adult dogs.

Considering their lightning-fast growth, giving puppies ample undisturbed nights and scheduled naptimes lays healthy foundations for lifelong rest patterns.

Adolescent and Adult Sleep

As German Shepherds leave the puppy phase and transition into adolescent and adult dogs, their sleep needs decrease somewhat but remain robust compared to humans.

Adult German Shepherds average about 50% more total sleep than humans! Leveraging their natural inclination toward daytime catnaps ensures they get sufficient rest.

Normal Sleep Patterns

In addition to sleep quantity varying throughout a German Shepherd’s life, the sleep patterns and specific stages also change.

Understanding the rhythms of a German Shepherd’s sleep helps create an environment conducive to uninterrupted nighttime and distributed daytime rest periods.

Lifestyle Factors Impacting Sleep Needs

While a range of 12-14 hours of sleep per day is an excellent general guideline, a German Shepherd’s lifestyle plays a significant role.

Dogs who are very active or live in stressful conditions may need more sleep. Those with medical issues also often sleep longer.

Activity Level

Health Status


Adjusting rest opportunities to match a German Shepherd’s individual age, health, and lifestyle needs is critical to ensuring healthy sleep duration and patterns.

Signs of Sleep Deprivation

If a German Shepherd’s sleep needs are not met over time, the cumulative effects of sleep deprivation can become apparent. Symptoms indicating inadequate rest include:

Prioritizing and protecting ample night sleep and sufficient nap periods prevents deprivation issues. Adding scheduled quiet time can help dogs catch up after disrupted rest.

Optimizing Rest for German Shepherds

The average recommendation of 12-14 hours of sleep per day for most healthy adult German Shepherds is a helpful starting point.

Tuning into an individual dog’s needs and evaluating their sleep patterns is essential.

Tips for optimizing nighttime sleep and daytime naps include:

Adjusting this framework based on age, health status, and any observed signs of sleep deprivation helps tailor sleep habits.

A well-rested German Shepherd is a happy German Shepherd.

Sleep Patterns Can Vary

While any sudden severe changes in sleep warrant a veterinary visit to check for underlying issues, remember that healthy German Shepherds may deviate from “average” sleep amounts.

The keys are sticking to consistent rest-activity rhythms and ensuring adequate sleep based on individual needs.

German Shepherds have a wide range of healthy sleep durations similar to people.

Paying attention to any symptoms of sleep deprivation and maintaining healthy sleep hygiene helps these active dogs thrive at every stage of life.

Know your German Shepherd’s sleep rhythms and optimize rest.

Lights Out

In summary, most German Shepherds sleep 12-14 hours daily as healthy adults.

Sleep requirements vary based on the dog’s age, activity level, health, and temperament.

Tuning into a German Shepherd’s sleep patterns and prioritizing rest ensures they get the sleep their mind and body require.

From energetic puppies to mellowing seniors, supporting healthy sleep habits allows German Shepherds to live life to the fullest.